C-8326 125’ Sundance Hot Tub Filter
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125 sq ft filtration Unlock superior filtration and relaxation with the C-8326 125’ Sundance Hot Tub Filter! Feel the warmth of crystal clear water circulating through the filter's 125 sq. ft., so you can savor the perfect spa experience from the comfort of your own backyard.
125 sq. ft. Sundance Spas. C-8326
Outside Diameter: 8-7/16"
Length: 19"
Pleat Count: 199
Media: 3oz
Male Slip Fitting
1-1/2" (inside diameter)
Open w/ Beveled Edge
2-1/2" (inside diameter)
Replaces: Filbur FC-2780 . Pleatco PSD125-2000 . Aladdin 22507. OEM 6540-488. Unicel UPC 678285180221.
Commonly used in: Sundance Spas and Sweatwater
Please check the sizes of all filters before purchasing as used filters can not be returned*